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作者:赟 来源:哈尔滨派特森
哈尔滨派特森英语发现,对于留学森们来说,陌生的国度里总是充满了新奇事物与未知的挑战。Whether it is the environment,culture,language and even every corner of the street in every building,even in the corner,are completely different from the domestic world.
Thus,Harbin Patterson English found that when foreign students from familiar places toss and turn to strange places,even if the world is vast,the scenery is beautiful,and the personality is independent again,it is inevitable to feel uneasy.Those who live with family and friends at home,and now live in a foreign country,can only rely on their brains to mend..
However,Harbin Patterson English found that in foreign countries,and domestic comparable to the useful APP is still very much,go up to learn to use artifacts,down to eat recommended collection,minute by minute to teach you how to enjoy more convenient life abroad~
If you make friends in the UK,you can't say,"let's sweep up a WeChat."The two commonly used instant messaging tools in Britain recommend the following:
Facebook,a well-known social app,can chat privately and in groups with friends,share their daily lives,and keep an eye on friends'homepages to see what's going on.
Whatsapp,some phones have instant messaging apps that come with them,and you may not really find them useful until you arrive in the UK.The international version of WeChat uses so many foreigners that it is convenient to keep in touch with foreign students or friends.
临近考试和论文deadline,只靠泡面和面包的日子显得尤为漫长,能叫个外卖简直就是拯救人生。这个时候,哈尔滨派特森英语认为此时你就需要这些英国人经常使用的订餐App了。Hungry House,英国版“饿了么”,还是个00后,主要针对专门做外卖的小店,而不是餐厅的外卖服务。素食主义者和正在减肥的朋友也能在上面找到健康低碳的食物。下单后可以追踪到派送进度,再也不用等外卖等到心急如焚啦!
Near exams and paper deadlines,the days of soaking noodles and bread alone seem particularly long.Calling a takeout is life-saving.At this point,Harbin Patterson English thinks you'll need the App that the British often use.Hungry House,the British version of"hungry"is still a 00's,mainly for takeout shops,rather than restaurant takeout services.Vegetarians and friends who are losing weight can also find healthy and low carbon foods on them.After the order,you can track the progress of delivery,and do not wait for takeaway to wait until your heart is burning.
在大天朝你们可能已经习惯了随时随地打开某宝下个单的生活,衣食住行一键解决。在英国嘛,建议有特定需求的时候再选择网购。如果你想继续天朝那样的网购生活,英国亚马逊,就决定是你了!亚马逊Prime可以支持当日送货,对于蜗牛一样的英国物流来说简直是一股清流。哈尔滨派特森英语发现,每年还会有一个Prime Day,折扣力度也非常大,专门是Prime会员参与的,一定要多多留意。
In Datian Dynasty,you may have been used to opening up a treasure at any time and anywhere in the next single life,food,clothing,shelter and travel a key to solve.In the UK,it is recommended that online shopping be made when there is a specific demand.If you want to continue the online shopping life in China,Amazon will decide to be you!Amazon Prime can support day-to-day delivery,which is a clean slate for snail-like British logistics.Harbin Patterson English found that every year there will be a Prime Day,discounts are very large,specially for Prime members to participate in,we must pay more attention.
In addition to the above APP,all kinds of social software such as:Instagram,Twitter;online shopping software such as:Amazon,Ebay;movie,concert ticket purchasing category such as:Fandango,Ticketmaster..are the necessary software in the daily activities of foreign students,so that their overseas life is no longer boring,sow grass up quickly~
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